CARD SIGNING - current through April 2025
Donato does sign cards sent in the mail.
Fees are $2/€2 charge per signature and $4/€4 for Shadow Signatures (two ink colors, generally gold/silver over another color).
Colors possible:
Black, Gold, Silver, Red, Green, Blue, Light Blue, Purple, Brown, Magenta (pink), and Yellow (very transparent).
There is no upper limit to the number of cards Donato may sign.
Due to the restricted nature of Donato's studio time he does not create sketches, alter, nor modify cards sent in the mail.
Please do not send cards in individual sleeves when sending multiples. Cards placed 2-5 per sleeve are acceptable.
In the U.S. include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) for return of the cards, or $7 for packaging and shipping.
For those players overseas who wish to have items signed, enclose a self-addressed envelope and include:
$8 or € 8 as payment for return postage for 1-6 cards (no tracking),
$24 or € 24 for 7-50 cards (tracking), and $36 or € 36 for 50+ cards (tracking).
Please use PayPal to pay fees if you have large quantities of cards as this will allow proper tracking and address verification for return.
PayPal Payments may be made to:
Please note name and purpose of payment within PayPal comments section.
All items for signing go to the studio address at:
Donato Giancola
Donato Arts
397 Pacific Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
