Greenwood the Great
16" x 20" Oil on Panel 2023
Used on a Magic:The Gathering card for Bloomburrow set
Original art available for purchase
Eowyn and The Lord of the Nazgul
34" X 39" Oil on Panel 2010
appearing in all editions of my books on Middle-earth art
private collection
cover art for the Science Fiction Book Club edition of the novels by J.R.R. Tolkien
55" x 33" Oil on Panel 1999
collection of Chris Huntley
Bagend: Shadows of the Past
24" x 36" Oil on Panel 2013
begun as a demonstration painting at the Illustration Master Class
collection of the artist
Beren and Luthien in the Court of Thingol and Melian
60" x 110" Oil on Linen 2015
the declaration of love for Luthien by Beren and Thingol's demand for a Silmaril, from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion
private collection
Beren and Luthien in the Court of Thingol and Melian
60" x 110" Oil on Linen 2015
detail, from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion
The Hobbit: Expulsion
37" x 67" Oil on Panel 2001
crossing the Misty Mountains, humbled by the forces of nature
cover art for The Hobbit graphic novel illustrated by David Wenzel and published by Ballantine Books
collection of the artist
Aragorn - Orcs!
16" x 20" Oil on Panel 2018
Anduril glows faint blue signalling enemies nearby
collection of David Broyles
The Tower of Cirith Ungol
36" x 48" Oil on Panel 2012
from the darkest chambers of Mordor there appears no hope for the quest
collection of Ryan Metzger
Fall of Gondolin
24" x 18" Oil on Panel 2014
Morgoths forces assault and destroy the no-longer hidden city
private collection
The Fellowship of the Ring - Descent from Caradhras
73" x 114" Oil on Linen 2014
Collection of Joshua Patel
The Fellowship in Hollin
35" x 66" Oil on Panel 2017
'only the stones remember the elves now.'
collection of the artist
The Fellowship of the Ring in Moria
Preliminary Drawing
18" x 24" Graphite and Chalk on Toned Paper
private collection
You Cannot Pass!
36" x 24" Oil on Panel 2007
appearing as the cover of Middle-earth: Journeys in Myth and Legend
Greisinger Collection
Huor and Hurin Approaching Gondolin
112" x 73" oil on linen 2013
image from The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
private collection
Into the West
5.5" x 8" Oil on Panel 1995
trading card art for the Iron Crown Enterprises Middle-earth TCG
collection of the artist
24" x 18" Oil on Panel 2013
Nienor and Glaurung on the hill Amon Ethir
collection of Chris Redlich
Rivendell - The Riders
21" x 27" Oil on Panel 2017
"The Riders made straight for you, as soon as you fled." - Gandalf
collection of the artist
Search in Rohan
30" x 24" Oil on Panel 2010
tracking orcs and hints of hobbits in the East Emnet
collection of Iryna Khymych and Ryan Lewis
The Scouring of the Shire
14" x 11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2018
Collection of Susan Shwartz
Hurin Approaching Gondolin
14" x 11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2017
private collection
The Watcher at the Gate
11" x 14" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2016
private collection
Aragorn - Helm's Deep Wall
14" x 11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2012
private collection
Eowyn - Grasses of Rohan
14" x 11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2010
private collection
Do you wish to look?
17" x 14" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2010
collection of the artist
Flight to the Ford
14" x11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2010
collection of the artist
Cirith Thoronath
11" x14" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2015
collection of Michael Furst
Boromir - On to Rivendell
14" x11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2013
private collection
Guard them in the least
11" x14" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2014
collection of Chris Redlich
Beren and Luthien - Twilight
14" x11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2012
private collection
Beleg Tracking Orcs
14" x11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2011
collection of the artist
Bard and the Black Arrow
14" x11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2013
collection of George and Mary Beahm
Earendil and Elwing Approaching Valinor
11" x 8" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2012
private collection
Legolas - Banks of the Anduin
11" x 8" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2012
private collection
Turin and Glaurung at the Gates of Nargothrond
24" x18" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2016
collection of Chris Redlich
The Choice of Saruman
11" x14" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2008
Greisinger collection
Hurin and Huor Approaching Gondolin
18" x24" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2012
collection of the artist
The Fellowship - Crystal Chamber
14" x11" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2013
private collection
Fall of Gondolin
24" x18" Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned paper 2013
collection of Anastasia Hunter